In this first month of our 12.12.12. project, I am focusing on where I am right now. Almost two months ago, my little family left Baltimore for a slightly more rural part of Maryland. We moved to a farmhouse complete with some land, a stream, chickens, roosters and geese. As a person who has lived in an urban setting for the last decade of her life (and prior to that, I lived in either the suburbs or military housing), I was a little nervous about moving here. But, I have to say already that I love it. Hopefully you see this permeate through my images as they represent our time becoming acquainted with our new digs and . . . newfound light! (Woohoo, we have light!)
My girl Samantha's first submission for our 12.12.12 project can be found here.
The below images were shot mostly with my iPhone 5s and some with my Nikon D700.